One of the best ways to learn about an ancient culture
is to look at the types of homes or dwellings they lived
in. The way a house is constructed will speak volumes
about what a certain group of people believed about family,
religion, and community. There are many fascinating dwellings
throughout different time periods that are good to study,
but one of the most curious is the fogou houses of the
Romano-British people.
Cornwall Fogue
This group lived during the Iron Age in the city of Cornwall.
These fogous are a rarity to find, as only 15 of them
have been excavated so far. The construction of the home
is very interesting. They were created by digging out
a sloped trench, and then slabs made from stone were used
to create caps or roofs for the structure. People used
stones to line the walls, and soil was often put on top
of the dwelling.
Fogou About It …
An interesting fact about fogou dwellings is that no
one is quite sure what their exact purpose was. Their
construction is proof that these structures were of high
importance to the communities in which they were built.
Some archaeologists believe they were used for religious

Perhaps some type of worship service or ritual took place
in the fogous. Others believe they were used to store
food and other important supplies. These shelters were
very well protected, so it would've made sense to place
items of value in them for safekeeping. Another theory
suggests that perhaps these were the ancient versions
of bomb shelters, designed to be a place of safe refuge
should raiders enter the village.
Fogou You …
These mysterious structures have a lot in common with
earth lodges. Understanding a bit about earth lodges can
help modern people understand the purpose of the fogou
house a little more clearly. In Sutherland, archaeologists
have discovered many of these lodges. The lodges contained
petrospheres, or stone balls. The stone balls were a symbol
of power, which demonstrates that these structures may
have been used for more than just rituals and storage

A Peek from Inside a Fogou
The people of Germany also made dwellings similar to
fogous. While the construction was similar, some of the
materials used to make the German dwellings were quite
different. Individuals would hollow out caves and then
cover the area with manure. These shelters were then used
for storage space for food, or for protection from cold
winter winds. Other groups in the area used them for protection
during raids. Some think these shelters may have had multiple
uses in the community as well.
If you are someone who is interested in learning more
about a particular group of people in history, nothing
will give you as much understanding of them as to look
at their homes. This is the place where they rested and
raised families, or cared for sick relatives. Studying
the lives of these people long ago, can help us determine
which direction we should be going in the future.